8 Things the Office Can Learn from Remote Working

If you’re wondering why remote working has become so popular lately, blame it on the Covid19 pandemic. The truth is that remote working is nothing new. It has been around for a while and keeps gaining popularity due to its many benefits.

According to Upwork’s recent study, 1 in 4 Americans in 26% of the American workforce had been working remotely since 2021. It is also estimated that the number will increase by 22% or about 36.2 million in 2025.

With the surging popularity of remote working, it’s clear that most workforces are more likely to prefer working from anywhere than to stay at the office. That means businesses who haven’t adapted to remote working policy should implement it. Because incorporating remote working in job vacancies can attract more applicants and top talents who prefer to work from home.

Since the term “remote working” has become insanely popular over the past two years, companies should learn the benefits that remote work has brought to employers and work forces themselves.

The following are some of the things the office can learn from remote working:

1. Increased productivity

When people work in the office are often interrupted by their colleagues or phone calls. This reduces their productivity as they have to stop what they are doing to handle something else. When people work remotely. They are not disturbed, and they can focus on their work uninterrupted.

Productivity is often linked to the environment or surroundings where the subject is doing the activity. When people are in their comfort zone, they can give their best and push creativity without others interrupting. Although the “comfort zone” situation may come with challenges, such as procrastination. Most people agree that ideas flow easily when they feel comfortable in their own space.

2. Increased employee retention

With more work forces choosing to work remotely, having this perk in your company can reduce employee turnover rates. Keeping the turnover rate low is essential because hiring takes time and a huge effort. Remote working can help businesses save on the cost of training and onboarding new employees as they won’t need to constantly replace those who leave.

That’s why allowing employees to work remotely increases employee retention rates. Also, prevents them from moving out of the company. Employees who have the ability to work remotely often feel more valued by their employers and are less likely to look for a new job.

3. Improved communication

Now that remote working relies on virtual communication like emails, chat apps, and video conferencing platforms, employees are found to have better communication when working remotely. This is because remote working eliminates the need for office politics and gossip that can often occur when people are in close proximity to each other.

A study by Harvard Business Review also found that remote workers feel more connected to their team and managers. They also felt like they had a better understanding of their company’s goals and objectives after discussing the matters online. This is great for businesses because employees don’t need to attend multiple physical meetings when online platforms have enabled them to grasp the same message more effectively.

4. Increased creativity

Working remotely allows employees to be creative with their work. They can develop new ideas and solutions to problems without feeling restricted or judged by their co-workers.

In addition, employees can take breaks whenever they want without worrying about getting in trouble with their manager. This freedom allows them to be more creative as they come back to work with fresh mindsets.

Speaking of breaks, the office often comes up with the same, strict break-time where employees should adhere to. The thing is that everyone has different preferences for taking breaks, and following the office’s procedure will hinder them from getting creative because they would feel pressured to break at the same time with others.

5. Reduced company costs

The cost of running an office can be expensive. From utilities to renting or buying office space, there are many costs associated with having a physical workplace.

Businesses no longer need to worry about these costs when employees work remotely. That’s because employees can work from anywhere as long as they have a stable internet connection.

In addition, businesses can save on other costs such as travel expenses and food for in-office meetings. With remote working, businesses only need to invest in virtual meeting platforms and software, which are often cheaper than their physical counterparts.

6. Improved work-life balance

Working remotely gives employees the flexibility to create their own work schedule. This means that they can better manage their time and take care of other important aspects of their life. 

For example, they can pick their kids up from school or take a yoga class in the middle of the day without having to ask for permission from their boss. This improved work-life balance also leads to happier and more productive employees.

7. Access to global talent

When businesses allow their employees to work remotely. They open up the opportunity to hire the best talent from around the world. That’s because remote working gives businesses the chance to tap into a larger pool of workers. Who may not be willing or able to relocate.

For example, a company based in the United States can hire a remote worker from India without worrying about the cost of relocating them. This is a great way for businesses to get the best talent for the job, regardless of location.

Moreover, having diverse employees can increase the working environment because everyone can experience different cultures and ways of thinking. By working remotely, businesses can create a more diverse and global team without leaving their office.

8. Environmentally friendly

The traditional way of working in an office is often very wasteful. From the use of paper to powering up computers, there are many ways that businesses can unnecessarily use energy and resources.

When employees work remotely, they often reduce their dependency on office supplies such as printers, paper, and ink cartridges. In addition, they don’t need to come into the office every day, which means that fewer vehicles are used for commuting. This reduces greenhouse gas emissions and helps businesses save money on transportation costs.


There are many benefits that the office can learn from remote working. By allowing employees to work remotely, businesses can save on costs, increase employee productivity, and attract the best talent from around the world. 

Remote working can also improve employee retention rates and the working environment, keeping them from looking for other jobs. That’s why businesses should consider implementing a remote working policy to reap these benefits.


Andre Oentoro is the founder of Breadnbeyond, an award-winning explainer video company. He helps businesses increase conversion rates, close more sales, and get positive ROI from explainer videos (in that order). 

Twitter: @breadnbeyond

Email: andre@breadnbeyond.com 


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