What are the Best Practices for Mobile App Testing for 2024?

Mobile apps have constantly evolved to satisfy user needs with just a few clicks. They have created a convenience that no other device or service could offer. But on the same line, we can see deadly competition between numerous similar applications. Therefore, follow these best practices for mobile app testing and be one step ahead in creating unique and more advanced features. Not to mention how they create a larger scope for revenue and future developments. 

Know more such facts and insights by reading this blog till the end!

What is mobile app testing, and what are its benefits?

Mobile app testing is one of the most important phases in its SDLC. By performing, it guarantees that the application works efficiently on different versions of operating systems and devices. Here, testing includes checking functional and non-functional components thoroughly before release. In the end, it eliminates bugs and creates a better user experience. Follow the below list of benefits to understand more:

  • Faster deployment

Thorough application testing from the beginning stages helps remove all risks and errors. Thus, it gives faster release of apps in smartphones than the estimated time. Also, it reduces the risk of application failure and regular downtimes. Moreover 

  • Better resource optimization 

Here, resources like networks, bandwidth, images, platforms, etc., unknowingly consume a lot of space and money. However, proper testing can optimize the utilization and validate the app’s usability and consistency through various conditions. Hence, it fulfills all the business requirements for reduced costs.

  • Best quality

A mobile application testing company works to achieve the best quality. Because it’s one of the prime factors for any application, this can be done by adapting best practices for mobile app testing. They don’t demand high prices or extra hardware add-ons. Just small changes during and after testing can enhance the quality of the application.

  • Improved user experience

Mobile applications became famous for their user engagement features. But, they can be improved to another scale by performing proper testing. Moreover, spending a high budget on UI/UX designs is only appreciated if you remove the bottlenecks and provide your consumers with the best workflow and user experience.

Now that you’ve seen the advantages of app testing in this blog of best practices for mobile app testing. In the next section, learn about the different types that defy the app’s needs and budget.

Is there more than one type of mobile app testing?

Yes, absolutely! Apps can be various types like Native, Web, or Hybrid. While launching, compatibility is only checked for browsers and platforms. But one point often overlooked is the main categories of phone frameworks: Android and iOS. It’s the broadest and most important testing type for mobile apps. So, before jumping onto the best practices for mobile app testing, let us see the types first:

  • Android app testing

Android is the most popular mobile OS worldwide, launched by Google. Almost all the applications are built to work on this platform. It consists of functional tests, performance tests, accessibility tests, and compatibility tests designed for applications. Therefore, android compatibility is crucial in generating a major share of revenue & reputation. 

  • iOS app testing

Apple is the leading tech company and sole owner of iOS-oriented smartphones, i.e., iPhones and their versions. Their size and specifications are fixed. Moreover, Apple consumers may be smaller than Android consumers, but they use phones and apps longer. To attract them, iOS app testing is compulsory before launching in their App Store.

The above tests are a must-have in the checklist for every mobile app. In the following section, let’s see the best practices for mobile app testing to improve the entire procedure.

When testing a mobile app, what approach should be taken?

You can follow standard testing techniques for your applications. Follow these best practices for mobile app testing to improve the entire process. Not to mention, these small changes together can create a large impact after launching the app. Let’s see them one by one in detail: 

  • Choose tools based on the platform

Different platforms like Web, Native, or Hybrid have various distinctive qualities. That’s why choosing the testing tools based on the platform is better. Here, underlying technologies seem similar, but platform-dependent tools handle the performance and usability testing more adaptively for mobile phones.

  • Always prioritize functionality

User experience may seem to be the priority while developing. But the real truth is app success has more contribution due to its rock-solid functionalities. Therefore, focus on how intuitively it works to user needs and how much more the interface can be reworked to make it ideal before launching. It’s the proper mindset for a mobile app testing company.

  • Real-device testing is important

At the early stage, testers use simulators to save time and money. But at the latter stages, they often ignore launching in real-time to understand the app’s actual usage. Don’t do that; real devices offer more precise results and realistic output than simulation. Therefore, flaws can be removed immediately, right before launching.

  • Customer’s perspective

Add a few customers as volunteers during testing. It helps to make informed decisions and provides a refined user experience. Also, it helps QA testers to understand their behavior and develop test strategies. Thus, necessary factors will be examined repeatedly to reach the ideal output stage. 

  • Manual and automated testing

Based on today’s view, automation may seem more important. But, the real key is combining both the tests in the ecosystem. For example, add manual crowd testing and automated performance testing to regular test schedules. In effect, it attains faster and more accurate results to understand the actual capacity of the app under load. 

  • Set up a support policy

It becomes an extended process to check the app in every browser and platform. Therefore, set up a support policy for a specific period. It helps in testing across different versions of platforms, gathering end-user data, and market research. Moreover, it should be included in the testing strategy.

  • Smart testing

Usability and performance testing aren’t the only ones important. Include other testing types like exploratory, stress, and script. Plan these tests in a consecutive order along with session-based testing to find user experience faults in various conditions. Thus, the balance between tests helps in gaining enough coverage to match the expected output.

  • Include cloud-services

Cloud isn’t limited to storage purposes. You can perform testing through it. It lets developers and the QA team gain performance insights and perform automated testing. Further, it provides easy access to test with thousands of user traffic and devices while debugging through them before release.

  • Divide into small tasks

Rather than heaving the entire task to a single team, break down the testing process into smaller units. It helps in performing accurate and individual testing in the given time. Thus, it clarifies the entire process more and helps developers prioritize client expectations at some points.

  •  A/B testing

Going through gut choices isn’t as effective as the results given by A/B testing. Because it statistically analyzes the user’s perspective to choose the proper template and options on the front end. Therefore, don’t struggle between choices; it would be better to include A/B testing and its types. It’s very important in the e-commerce field of mobile apps.

These are some of the most impactful best practices for mobile app testing. Now, let’s look at the future advancements in mobile app testing. 

In what ways will mobile app testing change in the future?

We now have best practices for mobile app testing to apply in the testing phase. Now, let’s look at the future trends intertwined with emerging technologies and how they create an impact on QA testers. Let’s see some of those possible trends below:

  • AI integration

Artificial intelligence will become more involved in app testing. When enough datasets are stored, it easily performs automated actions like prioritizing the client requirements and giving better coverage with redundancies. Moreover, it introduces forecasting and predictive analysis to estimate the app’s performance and success before delivery.

  • Security testing

With the increasing data flow, security is one major concern for every mobile app. In the future, stakeholders will demand more security involvement for protection. To suffice, penetration and cybersecurity testing will be updated and hardened enough to tackle all hacking challenges and prevent data leaks with its A-grade security.

  • Combining DevOps and Agile testing

This merging grows deeper while Agile approaches will be integrated into the development environments. This doesn’t mean testing will be completely opinionated by developers. It removes barriers and helps QA testers have less friction and better throughput while understanding their coding skills and the effort put in. 

  • Cloud testing as a single solution

Usually, cloud testing helps to test mobile apps on different devices simultaneously. It will advance by incorporating other testing techniques like stress, load, security, etc. Thus, real-time testing becomes easier, where you can identify issues and performance bottlenecks. Also, you can induce large-scale automated testing based on necessity.

  • More development in IoT

When IoT devices like smart ACs or TVs can be operated through a single app, it’s highly complicated to establish communication between two devices of different scales. But AR, VR, and other protocols will make it simple for QA testers. They will ensure that supported devices will face no issues while connecting and operating through smartphones.


We have a countless number of options for one requirement. Some apps even don’t vary too much, but after launching, one will be profitable, whereas another app is not at all recognized. The real secret is following best practices for mobile app testing. They will help you cover all the ignorance to prevent huge collateral damage. Also, don’t see the investment as temporary if you correctly follow them and build one such app. They are capable of generating better revenue and brand reputation than other fields.

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